Saturday, November 22, 2008

My sister went to a naturopathic physician who gave her an intravenous infusion of nutrients. What's this all about?

Vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients are administered intravenously for a wide range of health conditions. It is a safe, inexpensive and effective means to deliver nutrients.

Why isn't oral supplementation sufficient?
Oral supplements and medication are convenient to take, but they are only as good as one's digestive and absorptive capabilities. When there are problems with digestion and assimilation, the recipient may be getting only a fraction of the intended benefit. When this happens, intravenous nutrients can be useful in treating illnesses that do not respond to other therapies. Additionally, some illnesses are best treated with nutritional concentrations higher than one could achieve with oral administration, and intravenous infusions can deliver a concentration of a nutrient that could not be obtained with an equivalent oral dose.

What conditions are treated with intravenous infusion?
Intravenous nutrition can be helpful in treating fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and exhaustion. It is beneficial in supporting the immune system and treating the symptoms of the common cold, flu, and other viral illnesses. Macular degeneration and glaucoma are also improved with intravenous nutritional therapy as well as Parkinson's disease and arrhythmias of the heart. It has tremendous benefits is tissue and would healing, arresting asthma and as adjunctive treatment for many cancers.

Hanna Ian, M.S., N.M.D, is a naturopathic physician. She is in private practice at
The Naturopathic Physician located in Surprise. Reach Dr. Ian at 623-792-8889 or

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